Big Brother: Over The Top (Where Have You Been All My Life?)

When Big Brother 18 began, there were rumblings of an “online only” Big Brother show. Fans scoffed. The idea was nice, but there was no way that producers would do two shows back-to-back. The only evidence was a “casting call” that was posted on Twitter. It's one shred of credibility was that it had been posted by a former HG. A month or so later, we learned that yes, an online only Big Brother was coming and it would air shortly after BB18. BB: Over The Top began a few days ago and has so much potential and has largely been a magnificent entity to experience. "Over the Top" is a phrase for "information collected and transmitted via the internet." The first thing, and perhaps it's most important difference from the television show is the fact that the 'live feeds', as the're called, turned on right when the HG's moved in. (Hello Run on!) Live feeds are available for the television version, but their first ni...