Big Brother 19: House Guest Impressions

It's 119 degrees fahrenheit. I've been swimming in my pool--- it must be Summer! And with summer here, that also means it's time for another round of our favorite social experiment, Big Brother. House Guests were revealed on Monday, the 19 th , on CBS All-Access. They were again interviewed by Jeff Schroeder. Why CBS continues to employee him is beyond me, but, let's get to my initial impressions of the HG's, based on these interviews. By now, you know that I tend to fall hard for the male eye candy. It's sometimes an unhealthy obsession, but I like to think of it as a running gag over on my Twitter. So, let's talk about Mark first. At first glance, he is your typical meathead. But, upon listening to him, you will come to learn he's a lot more than his looks. Firstly, Mark lost over 100 pounds. So, he didn't start out looking like this. There is a hardship you have when you are heavier. When he lost the weight and found he lo...