Big Brother 19: Push-Pull-Paul

We're a month into the latest Big Brother Season. Season 19. And let me tell you, this season has been a wild ride. We had a night one eviction, we had the first ever walk out, we had a serious injury-- and, we have a clear “good” and “evil.” Big Brother works best when there is an 'underdog' and a 'villain.' This isn't something we always get. While I did like this cast with my initial impressions, I didn't exactly see an underdog figure. I was unsure how it would go. The Producers had a few strings up their sleeves, though. We didn't have 16 newbies... we had 16 newbies and a VET (A previous player who is returning.) This did in fact leak before the season started. Most of us hoped it wasn't true. Paul, the 'Vet' of #bb19 As I said, this season, we have a 'good' and we have an 'evil.' Who's who? It might not be who you think. The Vet, as I refer to him, is the villain. Last season, ...