Big Brother 23 First Impressions (From one photo and a short questionnaire. UPDATE: We got some video!)

Hello again beautiful people. It is that time of year again. Summer is here and it's time for my FIRST IMPRESSIONS of the Big Brother 23 House Guests! Hard to believe I've been watching this show faithfully since 2007. Wowza. So, a couple of notes. First, CBS has been going through a major shift. The head of CBS left a few years ago due to scandal. We've had a few programming executives move up or leave. The casting director, Robyn Kass , 'stepped away' and this year's casting was done by someone else. And finally, CBS pledged to have more people of color in their reality show casts. I am writing these impressions right after the initial reveal, with a photo and a short questionnaire answered by each HG. No word on if we are getting video interviews. I imagine we must, but this has been a wonky preseason, so, who knows. UPDATE: Now with a few videos where the HGs answered questioned and posed for the camera, I've added some new impressions for HGs that ...