Big Brother 20: House Guest Impressions

The world is a mess, you guys. We all need a vacation. Thankfully, summer is here, and that means it's time for my favorite show of escapist TV: BIG BROTHER. House Guests were revealed on CBS All Access on June 18 th . Mr. Jeff Schroeder somehow landed a gig on another tv show, so he is gone (hopefully for good) and in his place was Ross Matthews, the runner-up of the first US season of Big Brother Celebrity. Ross is a host by trade and did interview House Guests during BB11. (I believe it was before they entered the house, but not sure.) After thinking it over, Ross started out frazzled, but by the end of the reveal (which was over two hours), he had found his footing. Let's be clear, he's way better than Jeff. So much better. The main thing about Ross is he is invested in this show. He watches. And he couldn't stop giving side-eye when he did not agree or gasping with excitement when he liked someone. Point being, I am so glad we have another interviewer...