Big Brother 20: House Guest Impressions

The world is a mess, you guys. We all need a vacation. Thankfully, summer is here, and that means it's time for my favorite show of escapist TV: BIG BROTHER.

House Guests were revealed on CBS All Access on June 18th. Mr. Jeff Schroeder somehow landed a gig on another tv show, so he is gone (hopefully for good) and in his place was Ross Matthews, the runner-up of the first US season of Big Brother Celebrity.

Ross is a host by trade and did interview House Guests during BB11. (I believe it was before they entered the house, but not sure.)

After thinking it over, Ross started out frazzled, but by the end of the reveal (which was over two hours), he had found his footing. Let's be clear, he's way better than Jeff. So much better. The main thing about Ross is he is invested in this show. He watches. And he couldn't stop giving side-eye when he did not agree or gasping with excitement when he liked someone. Point being, I am so glad we have another interviewer.

So, let's start talking about this all newbie cast!

I'm going to start with Winston, who gave me a good feeling after watching his interview. I'm talking about the “Root for” vibe. We all get it: you just gravitate toward them and you like their energy. These are the people you really want to watch and see how they do.  Of all the males, Winston was the one who gave me this impression strongly.

The thing about Winston is that he's new to the big brother world. He says he just started watching with season 19 and he wanted to apply and see how he would do. Winston is likable and is easy on the eyes, which always helps. To me, he seemed like “a jock with a heart of gold.”

It's also worth noting that of all the HG's, he was the only one to immediately recognize the DR. If you step into that room on cast reveal day and have no idea where you are, it's usually a dead give away that you are a recruit. And while Winston is a “new fan”, he is a fan nonetheless and I am excited to see how he does.

I just have to mention how in his interview with Ika, he says he's worried, “Are the vets coming in? Am I going to be evicted night one?” He is aware of how this game works, and we do not always see this so directly. There's a mystery surrounding him, which I'll address later.

Next up, is the only female that gave me those root for vibes. And that is Sam.

Sam seems gentle, down to earth. She's like your favorite school teacher from 5th grade. Just floaty, airy. In the best possible way. She speaks softly, with a southern accent. Sam mentions she follows the golden rule and she is determined to stop the bullies. Some people don't like that term “bully” being thrown around, but, in recent seasons, we have seen some HG's go way beyond the line. And Sam strikes me as that person who will do everything in her power to do what's right. She brings up stopping the bullies in all her interviews.

When asked about her strategy, Sam says she is just going to take it one day a time. And you know, that's the way to go. You don't know what twists will be thrown at you. I don't believe Sam was ever directly asked how long she's been a fan. She has knowledge of older seasons because she did reference the good ol' days, “when the show was fresh and more of a social experiment.” She was aware of Danielle Donato from S8 but had no clue who Dan Ghessling was.

I feel good about her. Really good. Will she thrive in the game? It's hard to say, but her personality is one I am happy to see. I want someone kindhearted in there, I don't want all evil masterminds.

Is it getting hot in here? Do we need to turn on the air conditioning? Meet Brett. Yep, if you follow me on Twitter, you know he's the eye candy that I'm drooling over. Does he have anything else going for him, aside from his looks? YES! Brett is eloquent. Extremely. He handles himself well.

When he speaks, you listen and it's because of what he's saying. The reaction to Brett online hasn't been positive, which, I don't quite understand. Are people put off by a (perceived) meathead? This is a guy who turns the dumb jock trope over on its head.

With Ika, she did a roleplay with most everyone where she was HOH and the HG was about to be nominated. “Convince me not to put you up” was the starter. With Brett, Ika said, “I don't think we've got a good connection.”

Brett began his speech to save himself, in this hypothetical. He had a clear objective, he did not stutter. “ Walk me through the logic here, is this really about a lack of connection or are you evaluating my skill set?

Ika didn't exactly tune into his direct questions, but continued, “You kind of ignored me when dinner started and you didn't pour me a glass of water.”

Still being charming, in a humorous way: “Well, I'll tell you what, next time, I'm gonna pour you a glass of water... We haven't had a chance to bond... But I respect your opinion, if you want me to be a pawn, I'll do that, but I have suggestions... And we need to earn each other's trust.. I won't put you up next week AND I'll pour you two glasses of water.”

Ika burst out laughing and concluded, “I can't put you up after that.”

Brett does have elements of the “pretty boy”, the “jock”. But, my feeling is he's merely playing up the stereotype. He joked he was a 'trophy husband' and agreed that he was 'a prize.' All the while, he maintains this charming manner of speaking. I get “silly villain” vibes from him. He could easily fall into the role of the alpha male running the house, who the underdog must foil, but Brett isn't evil, he's just tough. Can't wait to see how he does.

Do you ever find yourself needing a breather? Do you close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax? Do you ever rely on your intuition? Meet Kaitlyn, who prides herself on being a life coach and meditation instructor. Now, I have to say, I've always thought about how fun it would be if, for a prize, an intuitive came to the BB House and gave readings for the house guests. And, here we are. It's so weird because a few days before the reveal, I thought about this again. I have ties to that world and Kaitlyn is right, there's never been anyone quite like her on the show before.

While it is in a different way, Kaitlyn speaks similarly to Sam about keeping the energy positive and assisting those who may be under attack by stronger personalities. She says she will not lose her cool, she is going to try to keep the peace. I know so many of you are rolling your eyes, but this game plan does not bother me. This game can be played with minimal antagonistic elements and I'm eagerly awaiting to see if Kaitlyn and Sam gravitate toward one another.

Kaitlyn says being a life coach has helped her learn how to listen and she's fully aware her intuitive background can rub people wrong, how some may see it as “witchcrafty.” So, she doesn't plan to reveal that about herself. She does, however, plan to talk to us about her impressions through the DR. She also revealed that she messes with her left hand when she's picking up information about someone. Ika asked Kaitlyn if she was getting any impressions on her, and Kaitlyn said in so many words that Ika was going to see a transition in her career. Ika confirmed saying that made sense.

“Tubular.” “Let's go catch some waves, dude...” One look at Tyler and you may be reminded of BB11's Braden, BB15'S David or to an extent, BB16's Hayden. Tyler's our designated 'surfer dude', typically thought of as dumb of rocks and having no idea what's going on.

But Tyler, he's different. While he does say he can be easily confused, being “always up in the air”, he's not clueless. He's a fan of this game. He understands how it works, and that's more than can be said of the other men that typically have this spot. Tyler gives off good energy to me. He's likable, like Winston. The vibe isn't as strong, but it is there. And, while “the surfer dude” is seen as a dud more often than not, Tyler isn't one. He is self-aware enough to know he needs to hide the fact he is a fan, that he needs to play dumb or he'll be targeted early.

Tyler also references rogue voting. In the latest seasons, we have seen the HG's pretty much all vote the same, overall, and that's just no fun. He says he's independent and he will vote how it will best serve him. He says  that his 'line' to HG's will be, “I'm on your side.” What I get from Tyler is someone who might even pull some strings because no one will ever suspect he understands what's going on, when he actually does.

Feel like a visit to Whoville or Hogwarts? Look no further than Angie, who seems like she was plucked right out of a zany world and plopped into ours. Her thick, wide-framed glasses, her purple hair, her jewelry making clanky noises... this woman is the definition of off-beat. She's wacky, she's zany and she knows it.

Angie says her parents were huge fans of the show, who always told her to apply. Her life slowed down, so she sent in a tape and heard back. She's interesting because she's “aware” of the show, but she doesn't exactly get it, but she followed the advice of people telling her she'd be good for the show. So, does this make her a Rapplicant?

I've shared that I have always tried to get people on this show. Many of them have seen it or they watch it here and there. But, I've never really gotten any luck (well, there is one buddy who might be on MTV later this year, but...)

So, with Angie, I'm keen to see how she reacts to everyone. In her bio, she mentions crystals, as does Kaitlyn, so they can bond. The important thing to know about people that are involved with crystals is, they typically can read the room very well. They pick up on your body language and they may get “feelings” that let them know your true intention.

What jumped out at me was Angie mentioning her three children had natural births. And she says, “If I can do that, surely I can handle a big brother competition.” Obviously, I don't know what childbirth is like, but we all hear about how painful it is and how a lot of women are given medication to ease the pain. My mother told me it is immense. So, yeah, if Angie can withstand that, I can see her hanging on a rope while being blasted with cold water for hours.

Angie is the oldest female, at 34, which, isn't old, but for this cast, she falls into that “mom” role, but, I'm going to say she's more like that kooky aunt that is perfectly fine in small doses. Let's just hope she doesn't pinch any cheeks!

Revenge of the Nerds, anybody? For several years, we've seen a 'geeky', smart' young men with glasses take a spot on the cast. And, I truly hope no one finds the term 'nerd' offensive. I feel it's enduring. This year, we have Scottie. Yes, with two T's.

While it's important to note everyone is their own person, Scottie is indeed similar to the nerds of the past. Others have pointed out he has shades of Andy from S15 and of Johnny Mac from S17. And these comparisons are of personality. SPOILER: Andy won and Johnny Mac was a hugely popular HG.

Like Tyler, Scottie is well aware of the archetype he is filling. I did feel bad when he called himself the “dud” of the season. Maybe that was self-deprecating humor, but I hope it's nothing that was serious. He also said he was fine with people assuming he was a nitwit. Scottie was quite funny throughout his interviews, saying in one place Evel Dick was his favorite player in one interview, then revealing it was, in fact, Chicken George in another. “I lied!” So, while Scottie is quirky, he's not socially inept. He can make people laugh and I can see him getting along with some of these HG's. I imagine he'll be okay.

Where Brett is the eye candy for the women (and some men), our next HG is clearly the eye candy for the straight men. And, she doesn't shy away from the fact that her looks can be the downfall of others. She considers it her secret weapon, I gather. Angela.

She mentions having more than one showmance and turning these men against each other. “It's like dangling meat in front of lions.” Oh boy. The silly villain vibes are immense with this one. I can see her teaming up with Brett and running the show, but, with her being the one making the decisions. Similar to how Cody and Jessica might have been without Paul. Oh, speaking of Paul, She says BB19 was “one herder and a bunch of sheep.”

Angela knows she is hot and this can be deadly. Aside from her looks, Angela said she was strong mentally and socially. She said she would lay low, but there's no way. Watch her be the queen bee. But not mean. The guys will drool over her, the women will want to be her friend.

But, the question is, will she be able to rule supreme with the likes of Sam, Kaitlyn, and Angie, trying to keep everyone in the house happy? Classic Alpha VS Underdog storyline right here.

Do you remember Matt from last season? He looked good in pictures, he seemed like a good dude. But then you heard him talk. And there was just nothing there. He was like wallpaper. Well, the wallpaper pattern has been replaced with Faysal.

Just like Matt, he looks great. Tall, Strong. But then... he speaks. Well, not before being told he better sit up straight and wake up. Wanting to be called “Fessy”, (Spelling?) This guy had one note from me: lowkey. And a little bit later, “very lowkey.” When asked about his strategy, he became a deer in the headlights and slowly asked, “...Strategy?” I really don't know why this guy is here. He's a survivor applicant who was an alternate last season, then basically just got a call a few weeks ago to be on this season...

Look, of course, maybe he'll suddenly come to life once in the house. But so far, the only time Fessy had any energy was when he was asked about his app. Otherwise, he just seems bored, probably cast because of his stature and how he looks in tight clothes.

And yes, we all know I love me some eye candy, but they've never been duds. They all played. And this guy might just sleep all day.

When I first watched Bayleigh's interview, I just was not interested. On rewatch, she sure seems to be spouting off everything she can to hide the fact that she has no idea what's happening. Now look, some recruits have done extremely well in the game. But, trying desperately to make it seem like you belong is weird to me.

In a written interview, she says she's going to “be the aggressive girl that's not threatening.” Wait, what? See, to me, Bayleigh knows she didn't study for the test, but the teacher has called on her and she needs to make it seem like she understands what she's learning. I know the reaction to her has actually been highly positive, but I just don't see it.

When I envision 'undercover cop”, I see Derrick. Absolute master at the game, but not really good TV. And now, we have our second (used to be) undercover cop. Steve. Placed in the “older man role”, Steve does know the game and was overly polite to Ross, calling him Sir. We don't normally see that kind of decorum.

Something about Steve was off. I couldn't quite place it. Maybe he was nervous. He says he won't tell the HG's his profession, instead lie and say he is a mechanic. When Ross pressed him on being able to make it believable, he rambled off several types of engines. This impressed me, but I don't know anything about cars, and I wonder if he's really thought that through.

There are reports that Steve is lying about his age. That's fine, but I see that really as him being on guard, lying about himself in hopes he lasts longer. You know? He actually seems like a pretty decent guy, but the Twitterverse leaked some info around him, which, after knowing, my opinion was forever changed. And if I didn't know this about him, I'd like him more.


“I am Vegas” went down in history as silly villain Rachel tearfully looked into her showmance's eyes in Big Brother 12. A cocktail waitress from Vegas, Rachel loved to remind people of this, as though it was the most interesting thing about her. While she did, in fact, switch it up and show a different side later, it's as though in some ways, we've entered an alternate reality.

Here is another Rachel, also working in Vegas. I'm not putting her down, but that's a little strange, isn't it? Same name, same profession, same location. In addition to that similarity, Rachel says she was an alternate for last season, and in the photos, she is dressed close to how Jessica was, who Rachel was an alternate for. All of that threw me and I found it odd how BB19 was being brought up again, as Rachel was asked about this and how she said she 'dodged a bullet.”

Rachel is pretty impressive on paper: She's been watching the show since season one, she applied, she's confident, she understands the key to winning is jury management. But. I wasn't really feeling her despite all this and then, when asked, she said she was open to a showmance. While they sometimes help, mostly they don't. A good player knows a showmance is something you shouldn't get yourself into. And by Rachel saying this, everything else she said just goes out the window.

And now, we have a big brother first. The game has never cast a little person. (A person shorter than 4'11.) And here he is, JC. While not a conventional one, his lack of height can be considered a handicap and I'm all for disability representation, even in this context. JC himself though seems to not like it when his height is addressed, saying on his modeling page that he's not a dwarf (when he technically is.) In his bio, he says he has a “short fuse around my height.”

Interesting choice of words there. Of course, as I'm writing this, I'm reminded that JC's first language is not English, so, the wordplay could be unintentional. Speaking of language, JC is quite difficult to understand. I was missing a ton of what he was saying. Unfortunately, most of the personality was drowned out by this and I worry about him literally being misunderstood due to that or by him saying something he doesn't actually mean.

JC says he's going to use his stature to make people fall in love with him. “I'll be the baby of the house.” While he did not mention it specifically, he will do great in endurance comps due to his height and his insane fitness level. He is built. Good for him.
But, JC has some skeletons in his closet. And no, I'm not just talking about that one thing. There are a few things. JC isn't as innocent as he wants you to think. I believe JC doesn't fully understand what he signed up for and I worry he could do something he will regret.

Vanilla is all I can come up with concerning Haleigh. That spelling, girl. Sheesh! She gives conflicting information, saying she has watched since season 16, but then says she was found on Instagram. [As in, she was a fan of the show but did not apply. I suppose a fan could end up being recruited, but normally fans apply.)  She tells Ross she wants to lose and be loved but doesn't want to lose when talking to THR. To me, she seems like the “typical female HG” from the past, but she doesn't give me any type of feeling, good or bad, she's just kind of there.

Chris. Well, this guy appears to really know the game, but he wore a shirt with personal branding for his interview and extra promo shoots. That totally doesn't sit well with me. Bye!

Kaycee. She told Ross she has been a fan since season one, but, she had absolutely no clue where she was during her interview with Ross. [The DR.] The Instagram models knew where they were, so, I don't know who she thinks she's fooling. In a written interview, Kaycee says she loves this show, that it's the only show she watches. But, when she's asked about Dan, her response is, “He was a coach, right?” Okay, girl, seriously, pretending to be a huge fan of this show is not working for you.

Extra Stuff:

Okay, so, I said there was a mystery around Winston. To my surprise, it hasn't become widly known. When the cast is first revealed, there are done so by a picture and biography. Short blurbs where they answer questions. In his, Winston says his favorite previous player is Paul. He says Cody targeting Paul early was a mistake.

Then, in his THR interview, his opinion of Big Brother 19 flips. Now, targeting Paul was a great move and Cody was the reason Winston applied.  I would argue that I would not find inspiration for the player who evicted my favorite player. Even writing that is like a tongue twister. You could tear his statements apart and maybe make sense of them. But it sure does seem like he changed his tune when it came to BB19.

The previous season was discussed a lot in these interviews which is unusual and it's also odd that the official Youtube Channel for the show completely removed all the videos pertaining to BB19. Something's going on there.

There are rumors we may see returning players again. I'm hoping we don't see any.

Big Brother 20 premieres June 27th, 2018.
I do not own these photos. 


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