Big Brother 21 House Guest Impressions

It's that time of year again, everyone! Let's get down to business! Despite extreme backlash and even a canceled flight, Big Jeff made it to LA to honor getting his gig back as Big Brother Interviewer. I do not know why CBS keeps bringing him back. I think that's an extremely stupid decision. Ross was a great interviewer, I hope we see him return before too long. Anyhow- We have newbies again! There were rumblings of returning house guests, but thankfully, that seems to have been false. I've said many times I really enjoy the game best with all new people. And, when you have returning players mixed in with some newbies, that never works. So, I am very happy to see all newbies. All different levels of game knowledge, which is a fun recipe for drama. So, here are my impressions. JACKSON I know what you're thinking... BigBro, you like Jackson the most cause he's the jock of the season! Even Jeff couldn't resist teasing him about looking like a...