Big Brother 21 House Guest Impressions

It's that time of year again, everyone! Let's get down to business!

Despite extreme backlash and even a canceled flight, Big Jeff made it to LA to honor getting his gig back as Big Brother Interviewer. I do not know why CBS keeps bringing him back. I think that's an extremely stupid decision. Ross was a great interviewer, I hope we see him return before too long.


We have newbies again! There were rumblings of returning house guests, but thankfully, that seems to have been false. I've said many times I really enjoy the game best with all new people. And, when you have returning players mixed in with some newbies, that never works. So, I am very happy to see all newbies. All different levels of game knowledge, which is a fun recipe for drama.

So, here are my impressions.


I know what you're thinking... BigBro, you like Jackson the most cause he's the jock of the season! Even Jeff couldn't resist teasing him about looking like a “figurine” and told us to “go out and get the Jackson action figure, in stores now!” Jackson smiled and I melted. Sure, I don't mind that he's easy on the eyes, but as his interview went on, he proved to be a student of the game and to me, projected a likable personality. Jackson said he was aware that “we don't have control over our game” and to me, he was referencing twists. “You have to adapt”, he said. He plans to win the first HOH to secure his safety. Two things really stood out to me: he said he was there for one reason: to walk out to confetti (as the winner does) and if he wanted fame and love, he'd “be on another network, another show.” In different ways, these comments let you know Jackson understands what he's getting into. And, I think he can go very far, as long as he doesn't bro out or fall in love.


Christie was the third interview and the first to get my attention. Those before her were somewhat low energy, but when the interview started, she had tears in her eyes. Tears of Joy. Jeff was not consistent in asking, but Christie got the “Do you know where you are?” question and yes, she knew she was in the DR. This is almost always a clear indicator the HG is in fact an applicant to be on the show. We like applicants! While not the only one to say so, Christie said her first season was Season 8. This was also my first too, when I began watching and following the show consistently. So, that kind of bonded us, you know? She also has a spiritual side to her, saying she was no stranger to essential oils and saging. She plans to have a gratitude circle every day, and she'll miss writing in a journal. I write in a journal too! She got my attention, and she was the first HG to give me that likable feeling. I'm excited to see how she does.


Some people just light up the room. Make you feel good. Ovi did that for me. He'd be nice to talk too. He had to jumble a few things with Jeff that I feel could've tripped up a novice, but Ovi was a trooper. Ovi came to find BB through a sociology course in high school and didn't draw attention when Jeff clearly hadn't been listening to him and repeated, “So was this a sociology class?” Ovi smiled a lot, he laughed. And he seemed really level-headed. When asked what he'd do with the money if he won, he mentioned giving back to the education community. Good for him. I was torn just slightly when he made reference to sleeping in a lot and when I realized his dog has more followers on Instagram than I do. And, we'll talk about dogs again in a bit...


Next, we have the bubbly, quirky, maybe a bit crazy Nicole. Jeff again mentions being in the DR and says that Nicole is “freaking out.” She can't contain her excitement and lets out a squeal. She's also a little loud as she says she's a huuggeeee fan. Nicole states that she is 100% all day, every day. At one point she lets us know “there's a brain in there.” Nicole is very high energy and she talks fast. She mentions her downfall might be that her mouth can get her in trouble as she will “talk back” if there's “bullying.” If she wins, she wants to buy her sisters cars and pay for her parents to go on a trip. I'm writing this with some reflection and I do like Nicole, but I can see her being a “silly villain.” She strikes me as someone who might scheme to get her way while faking it with smiles and laughter. This is nothing bad, mind you, just a playful antagonist as it were.


Speaking of silly villains, those kinds of vibes were strong with Nick. He was very blunt, calling out BB19's Matt for just sitting around and eating cereal, and he called Rachel from BB20 annoying. “No disrespect though.” He's a mental health therapist and mentioned 'motivational interviewing' as a technique he might use to butter people up. He had an amusing story about coming to learn of Big Brother: A tornado caused him to lose power for a week, he stayed with his aunt, and at this time, she was watching BB17. Funny little anecdote. Nick mentioned his charm a few times. I would say he does have charm, but not in the conventional way we think about it. Jeff said Nick would be good TV, and I agree. I do appreciate that when asked for his final thought, he took the time to advocate for those suffering from depression and anxiety, saying to not be scared to reach out for help. Good for him.


Our next House Guest was laughing and having a good time throughout her interview. While Nicole's energy was wiry, Jessica was more playful and bouncy. I cracked up when she said her strategy was to lay low and she laughed as she concluded, “I'm not sure if I can do that!” Jessica did get serious however as she went to explain how she felt she might be underestimated because she's a bigger girl. “I run marathons”, she noted. Apparently, according to Jessica, her casting was last minute and she had been a diva. While she seemed good-natured, her openness about being demanding with production makes me wonder how she'll be under pressure. I got a kick out of her when she said she didn't want any drama and Jeff joked there “might be some drama before you leave the room” and she was shook. It was classic.


“Do you like French Fries? Do you know where the first fries were cooked? Grease!” A dad joke, yes, but Cliff spouted this off in seconds after Jeff asked for one. Cliff is quick-witted and you need that here. He's well aware he's the “older gentleman” and he believes he will survive long term if he can make it past the first two evictions. “Now it's my turn” he says, in hopes of breaking the older player stereotype. Like Christie, season 8 was also Cliff's first season. And it's clear that he is a genuine fan of the game. Cliff is very upbeat and seems likable. I want to root for him. At the end of his interview with Jeff, Cliff tells us he's not here to be an instagram celebrity or to shill t-shirts. That's exactly what I like to hear!


And now, we've reached the house guests whose first impression was lackluster, not the greatest, or just kind of blah. Holly is extremely beautiful. Even I can see that. But she didn't particularly give me a sense of good, bad, or in-between. She complimented Jeff on his game, which, says a lot... Jeff was not a very good player if you ask me. She also called those that play big brother “elite” which Jeff objected to. She said she wanted to be trusted, but later that she wasn't trustworthy. She mentioned she was already accustomed to no social media, no TV, no phone, etc because her family lived on a ranch. That could be good for her, although, the thought of missing the birth of a friend's baby got to her and she was a bit caught off guard when Jeff said he didn't want any crying.


Jack strikes me as a nice guy. He's a recruit, probably sought after because of his striking resemblance to actor Jason Momoa. Jack is a big guy, but is cheerful and admits to crying after having time to reflect during the casting process. He has a clever strategy: Win vetos, not HOHs. An interesting route for sure. Like Holly, I didn't have strong feelings concerning Jack. He could emerge as a strong character or he could flop. You never know with a recruit.


Bella, as she called herself, has 13 tattoos. The one on her arm has meaning, but the other 12 she might regret. Her plan is to rely on her social game, in part to say good morning to everyone each day. She wants to be in people's minds, so they can't say she didn't have a connection with them. It's not clear, but I think she's a recruit, but she has done her homework. She knows the comps toward the end tend to rely on memory. Her memory is not her strong suit, so she says this might be her downfall. While Bella had moments where she smiled and offered good information, she struck me as the silent type. I don't see her being at the forefront. If she can tap into that outgoing energy, she might be a featured character, but I just don't know if that will happen.


Tommy finds himself being compared to that other Broadway performer, whose name I will not mention. The thing with Tommy is he just seems to be trying too hard. And I don't understand why you'd leave Broadway for a TV show. I think I might know why he's here, (a twist) but it still just doesn't make sense why he'd trade off. He said he wanted to have the first gay kiss in big brother history. That's a touching goal to have, but, there have not been two openly gay men on the cast since BB9 and even then, one of the men left the game a week in. I don't think CBS wants that kind of romance, even now. And while that other Broadway performer got pretty close with another male contestant, that was all fun and games and wasn't serious. I think Tommy is in over his head, to be honest.


Right off the bat, I think it's clear Kathryn is here mainly due to her looks. And that's fine, but, I don't think there's much too her. She talks about being addicted to social media. I believe that is one reason she was cast; to see someone addicted to technology struggle without it. When she said she'd miss the daily night texts with her mother, Jeff asked her to talk to the camera and say something to Mom, and she got so embarrassed. That was odd to me. According to her, she just got a TV two months ago and Big Brother is the only show she watches. Yeah, okay--- although a very similar comment was made last season by Kaycee--- so, an HG can make a silly comment during an interview but it isn't always  an indicator on how their game will go.


I'm sure he's a nice enough guy, but his energy was so. low. He reminds me of BB19's Matt: Good looking bot an absolute bore. I'm hoping I'm wrong.


She was the very first interview, so, maybe we can excuse her low energy to not being a morning person. But I just didn't get her at all. She wasn't boring exactly, but she seemed very vanilla.


Sam is not boring. But he's loud and abrasive. I found his energy to be chaotic. I tuned him out after a bit. He mentioned his political views being unpopular. I assumed these were conservative views but in another interview he did say they were liberal. Just an unusual thing. Maybe that's why he's here. His casting was leaked on Reddit via a photo of him filming his intro package. I'm hoping he goes home first. I found him to be a nuisance.


Lastly, we have Kemi. She didn't talk about herself too positively, saying she “had no life” and “wasn't interesting.” To me, it seemed like she wasn't into this whole experience. She also shot Jeff a look when she misunderstood something he meant. If she comes to life, she might be a villain, which you can make work. But I just wasn't into her.


Several of the house guests have or love dogs. 7 of the 16 mentioned dogs in some form by my count. Producer Heath Luman tweeted out if we would trust the house guests with a dog. So, I think it's possible we may get a dog in the house this summer. I would enjoy that.

Having an animal in the house adds a little something. Big Brother Australia had a dog one season and it became an important part of the season. Our BB16 did see a dog in the house, but it was only for a few days. Let's hope if it happens this season it's for a longer period, at least a month.

Also, we have at least one instance of HG's knowing each other: there are pictures of Christie and Tommy together. There may be some kind of twist where everyone knows someone else and I feel in Tommy's case, his casting could be twist specific after they decided on Christie.

There's also evidence that Kathryn and Holly know each other, they are facebook friends.

Speaking of Holly, she dated Luke Pell, a contestant from The Bachelorette. There may be no connection, but I find it strange how another house guest, Jackson, referenced  The Bachelor. Weird coincidence if anything.

Also, the night before the cast reveal, there was a twitter account  "leaking the cast." And I know for a fact they posted a picture of Jackson, but they used a pseudonym for him and the photo used wasn't one from Big Brother. I tried finding this twitter account the next day bit it seems it was deleted.  

Looks like it'll be another great season and I can't wait! 


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