Big Brother Live Feeds: Beefcake, Intimidation and Floaters!

As of this writing, it's the start of Day 11 for the House Guests. What's been happening and what's my perspective? Well, firstly, we need to talk about Clay. The young man is generally modest, but a certain someone coaxes him into getting shirtless. Clay listens to this advice, and his body is proving to be a distraction for me and some of the house guests. The person Clay is working for is Audrey. This girl has a fire within her, but she's getting too warm and might s pontaneously combust. She is in everyone's ear. She's talking game every freaking minute. That's not an exaggeration. She even mentioned “slowing down” and “not taking game” for a bit... but this lasted literally five minutes. Day (Da'vonne) is the one person catching on to Audrey's playing style. Clay had a talk with Day with some coaching from Audrey and this was enough to tip Day off. “When he was speaking, it sounded like it was coming out of your mouth.....