Big Brother: Beauty Marks, Vile Pigs and Heart Murmurs.
here we are, almost Week 4.
had two evictions, about to have another. My, what a ride this has
lost Jace, which was a real loss. Even if you didn't like him, he
brought a lot of excitement to the house.
Jace, we lost Day. (Da'vonne.) You talk about tragedy. This girl was
the epitome of fantastic entertainment, but a horrible game player.
She even won a magic power that was supposed to help her, but it
didn't, because Producers still don't know what the hell they're
doing. (When it comes to Twists.)
let's give a power to void three votes when the House is working as a
majority. ( Shakes Head.)
week, we saw Vanessa become HOH. She loves to talk a mile a minute,
exhausting whomever is within ear shot. I foresee a segment on the
CBS show of Vanessa droning on and on as someone listens to her,
accompanied by “The Silly Circus Music.”
have seen a slight improvement when it comes to the CBS edit. It's
not completely false and DR sessions are being allowed to flow a tad
more naturally. I'm grateful of any improvement.
decided to target James and Jeff. Both have proven to say creepy,
icky things about women, so this was her actual reasoning to
get rid of them. It appears Jeff is the one who will be going. Fans
of the show seem split on this. While Jeff is “a pig”, he brings
drama and uneasiness to the house.
I wanted Jace to stay, Jeff can go. Jeff reminds me of Spencer from
BB15. He walks a fine line of entering that territory. In this
instance, I don't care how entertaining you are. If you're vile and
disgusting, you can get the hell out.
we're on the topic of Jeff, can we agree “The Amazing Race”
Takeover was a major fail? Jeff is disgusting and Jackie is barely on
the feeds. If she is seen, she's usually drinking some wine or
twirling her hair. I mentioned the CBS edit before being more
honest. Jackie is an example.
Jace was evicted, he mentioned that Jackie brought nothing to the
show. This was shown, then cutting to Jackie in the hot tub, saying
“Yeahhhhhh” in a low, drunken voice. Exactly.
we have Liz/Julia. Now, this is old news at this point, but everyone
knows Liz has a twin. I mention this though, because Liz and her
sister are trying to cover it up and keep the charade going. I find
it so insanely stupid and laughable.
joke of the whole situation is that Liz is getting help from a small
group to keep her secret safe. “What are people noticing? What do I
need to do?” HONEY, Don't you think this is something you should
have discussed with your sister? Wouldn't it had been a good idea to
cover up beauty marks, perfect your voices to sound similar?
Seriously, these twins are dumber than dumb. Along with the twin
drama, Austin is attracted to Liz, which is proving to be comical.
For you see, Liz couldn't be bothered with Austin.
There is an actual showmance brewing and this is between Shelli and Clay. Fans seem to be against the paring, but I find it interesting. The two have let it slip that they saw each other at casting finals and were asked about one another in interviews. Shelli even told her mother, “If this guy is there... it's going to be hard to stay focused.”
the two like each other, they haven't been intimate, aside from
snuggling here and there. Shelli is mindful of the cameras and
doesn't want the world to see her kiss and fondle a younger man.
two are being pushed by various House Guests to “get on with it”,
but so far, the only thing worth noting is Shelli saying, “We are
here for two more months... a lot can happen in two months....”
far, when we talk about actual game play, Audrey is the person who is
playing, playing, playing. She's in everyone's ear, she's lying
through her teeth and everyone is scared to nominate her because
she's transgender.
terms of entertainment value, I like Audrey. She gave us the best
first week of live feeds we'd seen in years. She did have a slump
during week two. But now, she's back to it, having turning on the
water works a few days ago when Meg caught her in a lie. Audrey left
that conversation with Meg questioning her line of thinking and
Vanessa sure that Meg was lying.
I'd like to talk about John. (Johnny Mac.) When we had our
pre-season interviews, I hated him. His super loud, hyperactivity was
just enough to make me want to pull my hair out. But, we've seen a
guy in the house play a pretty good game so far.
a super fan, but has the house thinking he was recruited, he isn't in
too many conversations and he's won the veto twice in a row.
wrote in my last blog that John is a floater, in the least offensive
definition of the word. He's playing a low key game and it's working
for him. While his personality isn't exactly being portrayed on the
CBS show, I am rooting for John to win and I hope he makes it far.
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